What makes my therapy approach unique
Natural Setting- Treatment sessions are held in a natural setting. This way therapy doesn't look or feel like therapy. It is the best place for a child to feel comfortable and safe. It is also the most effective way for the child to process and carryover skills
Nontraditional- Typically , therapy evaluations involve standardized testing within determined period of time as set up by the clinic or the insurance company. These restrictions place the child in a limited view based on test results rather than taking the time to determine what is going on at the cellular level. Also it doesn't take into consideration other factors that may effect the overall evaluation process when there is a limited period of time to complete the paperwork . I don't administer standardized testing however I will check eye movements and reflexes as well as other behavioral and neurological observations. I will also observe a child in his/her home, school and community while celebrating in the child's unique gifts/talents
Immersive- The people involved in the child's life are so critical . I include caregivers and assess medical history of all involved. I will also thoroughly assess the environment - where the child lives and plays
Holistic- I consider diet, sleep/wake cycles, breathing , nervous system regulation at the cellular level to determine the root /core of what is really going on
Individualized- I consider time of day that works best for the child and offer group and individual sessions to include all needs